Page 34 - Reading Nest - The Supportive Literacy Environment Handbook
P. 34
Laste loodud tekstid rühmaruumis. Rõõmuterakesed on igaüks valinud, milline kuningas ta on. Õpetaja Jaana on
laste teksti ja fotod rühma seinale välja pannud. Foto: Jaana Koger.
It is essential for a reading nest to have applied literature i.e. functional texts, e.g.
questionnaires, recipes, tickets of fines, contracts, legal texts – which are of great interest to
primary school pupils, but simpler versions can be used in preschool as well (e.g. shopping
list, recipe, ticket, receipt, game rules, washing instructions, etc.).
Põltsamaa Mari lasteaia poiste automängus on vajalikud ka tekstid.
Foto: õpetaja Kairit Kärt.