Page 43 - Reading Nest - The Supportive Literacy Environment Handbook
P. 43
Aestheticism means that books are clean and tidy, any damage to books is repaired carefully
and this can successfully be done with children. If necessary, books are given wrapping
paper, a worn book actually shows it is worth reading and read by many. The younger the
children, the more important illustrations become. Teachers should not only rely on their
taste when choosing illustrations, a range of illustration styles exist, and some, which from
an adult’s point of view are not ‘pretty’, might be extremely attractive and engaging for a
Kui ilm on mõnus, saab lugemistegevustega kolida ka õue ning avada välilugemispesa lasteaia hoovi kõige
vahvamas paigas. Tartu Terakese lasteaia Rõõmuterakese poisid tutvustavad oma plakateid õues.
Foto õpetaja Jaana Koger.