Page 107 - Reading Nest - The Supportive Literacy Environment Handbook
P. 107

Ülenurme Lasteaia Mõmmikutel on käsil õunaprojekt. Õpetaja uurib lastelt, mida nad teavad ja teada soovivad ning paneb
    kõik ka kirja. Projekti käigus pöördutakse kirjapandu juurde tagasi, täiendatakse seda ideedega, mida on juurde õpitud
    (nt arusaam, et õunal pole aju). Selline pedagoogiline dokumenteerimine aitab lähtuda laste eelteadmistest ning huvidest
    ning toetab ka kirjaoskuse arengut.
    Foto õpetaja Evelin Sarapuu.

                  Planning studies also includes appraisal of skills (without giving grades) in the course of
                  which the teacher can establish what each child and the whole class are able to do, where

                  help is needed, whether help can be given by peers or the teacher, what children’s

                  interests are etc. All of this should be taken into account when planning the teaching.

                  Pre-school children primarily play while primary school pupils also enjoy playing and
                  successfully learn through games. Therefore planning reading and writing activities

                  should also allow space for games, and many of our teachers often use thematic reading
                  games. It is also positive if children are encouraged to transfer topics  from school

                  activities into their own creative games.

                  Every topic has some information which is worth writing up and reading, to, for example,
                  learn about animals or plants near home or a distant place.
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